In Family Support Services Committee Minutes


1.         UCP/NYC

Housing Case Management services for individuals who are family support eligible with availability in all boroughs.

Family Reimbursement in SI only.

Free family conference Family Connect for a Promising Future on Friday June 10th at Baruch Performance Art Center. Topics include: Healthcare needs, assistive technology, inclusion and sensory integration as well as other generic resources.

Contact: Project Connect at 1-877-UCP-CONNECT

2.         YAI

Autism Parent Support Groups

Free Support Group for caregivers of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders

English & Spanish

For more information, contact YAI LINK Department at 212-273-6182

Link Memo

Please see attached YAI link memo for complete information.

Health Education workshops are sponsored in Brooklyn Queens, Manhattan and the Bronx.

Crisis Intervention in Manhattan offering short term case management and emergency respite. Call 212-273-6229

3.         SPROUT

Weekend Day and Evening Recreation Program

Individuals 16yrs and older. Manhattan or Brooklyn residents who live with their families. For more information, contact Kimberly Pierce at 212-222-9575. Sprout wants to expand this program in other boroughs. Contact Kim at or call Kim at 212-222-9575

The New York City program for May and June was circulated.

Please see attached document for complete information.

4. Resources for Children with Special Needs

Monday June 6, 2011   5:00pm

Credit Suisse

11 Madison Avenue (24th Street) entrance at Park Avenue South @ 24th Street

Bright Futures:

Creative Options for Living, Working and Learning

Fresh Perspectives for Students with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities

Is sponsoring a Bright Futures evening session on Monday June 6th at 5:00 pm. Creative options for living, working and learning will be discussed with a series of panelists.   Registration is recommended at or calling 212-677-4650.

5.         Lifespire

Is offering In Home Behavioral Management for individuals who have a documented developmental disability and live with a family member. For questions or referrals please call Jay Kleinman, LCSW, at 718-454-6940 or email at

6.         GHO

Announced that Family Support Coordination has openings in Case Management ; Weekend Respite (Waiver); and ongoing MSC Services which are available in Queens, Brooklyn or Manhattan.  For more information contact us at 718.261.6552 or visit us at

7.   Elly Rufer is updating the Manhattan DD Council website and she encourages us to visit the website at Ely Rufer and Linda Irby will represent the Manhattan DD Council on Saturday at the New York City DOE Epic Conference in Manhattan.

8.         CP Associations of New York State

Jackie R. has a contract with the MTA in all boroughs to offer Travel Training for qualified Access-A-Ride customers. You can also request Workshops on Travel Training. They do a screening and then they offer the individual instruction. For more information please contact Jackie at 212-947-5700 ext. 627 or by email at


Ilene Sacco: OPWDD

Ilene began by circulating several handouts required by NYCRO to process Medicaid and other requests.  Ilene is responsible for Community Habilitation and Family Education and Training (FET) programs for OPWDD. She coordinates services for approximately 100 agencies.

Points made:

In order to get the waiver, there must be a waiver slot available. Ilene processes waiver slots into voluntary provider slots.

To get into the waiver, you must have Medicaid.

If you are under 18, OPWDD will help with processing the Medicaid application. Parental income is waived for persons with dd under age 18. (Please see the attached sheet listing requirements for processing a Medicaid application.

Applications for Day Hab, Community Habilitation, FET go to 75 Morton St.

DH requests will go to the CSEP representative for the agency providing the service.

Respite slots go to the DDSO.

FET is a waiver service. There are about 15 agencies that provide this service. (eg in Manhattan SKIP and Mercy Drive are providers).

NYCRO reviews the Transmittal Forms for Day Hab and Community Habilitation.

The processing time for an application is generally two to three weeks.

The package should include ( if not in the waiver):

Application for participation in the waiver

Document of Choices

A DDSO issued LOC

An ISP or PISP listing the service the person wants to get, the frequency and duration and the

name of the provider agency.

When the information is sent to Ilene at NYCRO, a start date is generally given in about two – three weeks.


With the Medicaid application, it is generally recommended that you get into a waiver  service as quickly as possible and it generally takes 45 days to process.

If a Medicaid application is not processed within 90 days, it will be sent back.

Ilene checks the application for Medicaid to ensure that: the LOC is from the DDSO, the medical and Medicaid application is sent within 90 days and there is a PISP.

Why are Medicaid applications rejected?

#1. If it is not clear that the person in need is developmentally disabled. Medicaid will communicate directly with the family if they need additional information.

#2. If Medicaid discovers that there are resources in the child’s name.

It is a rare event that a Medicaid application is denied.


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