In Action Alerts, advocacy, DD Council Minutes

From Wini @ IAC:
(Letters Referenced are available on MDDC’s website)

Dear All,

Please reply with any “papers” you have sent letters to.  I’d like to include the locals now but all publications are our target .  If you haven’t yet, please send me a list of those you intend to send to – today would be perfect since the wage board is meeting tomorrow.  They can get printed either today or tomorrow.

Thanks in advance for your help on this important mission – if you want info to use to write your letter/article please just ask and I’ll send right away.  Below is an article in Crain’s saying that the board will likely approve the increase to be phased in over years and that the Commissioner of DOL will likely follow the wage board’s advice.

Letters: NYT_letter, NYPost_letter, wageboardtestimony-2

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