In Announcements, State and City Information

August 15, 2011

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Transparency is integral to our reforms at OPWDD. The families and individuals we serve have a right to know about the system that serves them. Openness uncovers flawed policies and procedures, allows for collective improvement, and demonstrates that this is an agency unafraid of scrutiny. We can all find ways to be more transparent and accountable to those we serve.

Recently, a terrible incident took the life of an individual receiving care from ne of our nonprofit providers. While this tragic death is being investigated by law enforcement, OPWDD has the obligation to impose clear and consistent practices across state and nonprofit operations. Stronger, smarter, open policies may not prevent human error, but they can establish procedures disabilities. And it empowers to prevent a tragedy and change how people think and care for individuals with developmental individuals, family members, employees, and stakeholders to speak up and enact change.

Also, The New York Times published another story focusing on our system, this time the fiscal practices of nonprofit providers and the ways in which the state has provided—or failed to provide—adequate oversight and accountability. Executive compensation is not a new concern, but it is now being addressed.

I am pleased that Governor Cuomo immediately instituted a task force, of which I am a member, to review compensation standards for all nonprofits serving all agencies. Your suggestions and guidance are welcomed and appreciated. OPWDD also will be implementing new ways to publicly disclose compensation so that individuals, their family members, and the public as a whole know how their dollars are spent.

Like our other reforms, these too, are significant undertakings. Your continued involvement is important and makes a difference.


Commissioner Burke

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